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Runespells, a Grimoire of Rune Magick

Concrescent Press is delighted to announce our latest book, Runespells, a Grimoire of Rune Magick by Shade Vedhrfolnir, also known as the late Robert Carry of the Horus Maat Lodge.

Shade/Robert also created full page collages for each rune which are reproduced in full color in this 7×10, premium paper, hardbound volume. 284pp.

Special thanks to Aion Hermeticusnath for introducing Shade to me, and filling in on author queries, after Alzheimer’s took Shade from us, and writing a heart felt-biography for his dear friend.

Carey brings the perspective of a ceremonial magician to the use of the runes in divination and magic. The suggestions for interpretation cover both positive and negative meanings, and the color images included for each Rune are rich in additional meaning.
—Diana L. Paxson, author of Taking up the Runes

Decades ago, when I first began to explore runes and the Norse-Ger-manic religion of Asatru with which they’re associated, few books on the subject were available. They included fanciful inventions which disrespected the ancient traditions, as well as dry overly scholarly volumes. In more recent years, I have encountered many books on runes. Some put forth interpretations which had me wondering how the author got their odd imaginings published. A few offered interest-ing new perspectives which actually rang true. I have always valued books such as Runespells. This book has a solid foundation in the lore of societies who utilized runes over the centuries, is respectful of the spiritual traditions associated with the runes, and is presented in an approachable and welcoming voice which encourages exploration.”
—Drew Ward, from the Preface

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