Each day brings more light into our lives this time of year. From the darkness approaches Hekate as Lucifera, the “light bringer” in this issue 1 of Katabasis, volume 2.Deep roots reach for the light of Her fires in a Hekatean collaboration of devotees’ experience of this light. Returning author and Katabasis copy editor Lucera A.F. explores the etymology of Hekate’s 2 epithets, Lucifera and Phosphorus in “The Bringer and the Bearer”. Poetess and Priestess Harper Feist shares her illuminating piece “ΦΟΣΦΌΡΟΣ (PHOSPHOROS)” and Inara Cauldwell blesses us with a moving poem titled “Thunder”. Editor in Chief Fawn Hexe includes magickal uses for roses and provides another Hekatean book review.
Katabasis: A Journal of Hekatean Devotion and Scholarship is an inclusive tri-annual publication, releasing at the most liminal times of the magickal year. A labour of love, a devotional work in the vein of academic scholarship and continued experiential relationship with the titaness, Hekate defines this journal. Magick, personal development and connection to the full retinue of spirits and deities which embody the Hekatean current are included as well. May this body of work be an inspirational tool for others who are committed to furthering research, sharing experiences and honouring the influence of Hekate in our modern lives.
Meet The Author
Fawn Hexe is a Witch, Writer, Mother. A practitioner of Tantric Buddhism and Witchcraft for almost 30 years, Fawn is a unique and curious Librarian with a double degree in Religious Studies and Humanities. Initiate of Hekate and aspiring Priest in Her name, Fawn’s relationship and service to Hekate spans 8 years of solitary devotional work, a hybrid path of Tantric Thelema and experiential-driven inspiration. She is the editor-in-chief of “Katabasis: A Journal of Hekatean Devotion & Scholarship”, founded in 2021.